A Zoning By-law is an important tool for the municipality as it promotes compatible land uses and encourages the development in an orderly fashion of a variety of mixed uses throughout the community. The Zoning By-law provides detailed regulations pertaining to each Zone. These regulations include the permitted land uses, maximum building height, minimum setbacks of buildings from property lines, maximum lot coverage, minimum/maximum floor area, minimum lot sizes and minimum on site parking requirements. Issues such as accessory buildings, pool locations and home occupations are also addressed.
Zoning By-law Review
The Township has initiated the preparation of a new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Comprehensive Zoning By-law is required in order to implement the policies of the Official Plan adopted by the Township on October 5, 2022 and to provide updated zoning and development standards that reflect these new policy and regulatory initiatives at the Provincial and Township level.
Zoning By-law Review Community Survey
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Zoning By-law Review kick-off survey. The survey has now closed, and staff are reviewing the input received. Please stay tuned to this webpage for future updates on the review process. In the meantime, should you have any questions or comments related to the Zoning By-law Review, please feel free to email zoningbylawreview@oro-medonte.ca.
What is the purpose of a Zoning By-law?
The Zoning By- law implements the goals and policies as outlined in the Township's Official Plan. Zoning standards and associated mapping separates lands into distinct zone classifications such as residential, commercial, industrial, open space and environmental protection zones. Within each zone category standards are further outlined to address matters such as the types of permitted uses, appropriate lot size and setbacks of buildings. These standards provide legally enforceable regulations for development, which is administrated by the Township's Development Services Department to ensure the Township's standards are upheld.
Why is the Zoning By-law being reviewed?
The Township's current By-law 97-95 has been updated over time, but a comprehensive review has not been undertaken since the By-law's approval in 1997. Legislation in the Planning Act requires municipalities to update their Zoning By-law within three (3) years of a new Official Plan coming into effect. The Township's updated Official Plan was adopted by Council on October 5, 2022 and is currently awaiting approval from the County of Simcoe. The goal of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review is to revise and update the Township's current zoning standards primarily to implement the policies of the Township's updated Official Plan and also update standards related to the general provisions to apply current progressive planning practice and regulations.
The Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review is being conducted to assess the structural components of the Bylaw as listed below:
- Definitions and Interpretation
- General Provisions
- Parking Standards
- Residential Provisions
- Commercial Provisions
- Industrial and Business Park Provisions
- Institutional Provisions
- Open Space and Environmental Protection Provisions
- Site Specific Exceptions
- Administration and Enforcement
- Zoning mapping
A number of known Zoning By-law matters that also need to be addressed in the Comprehensive Review, include the following:
- By-law provisions which are no longer relevant
- Outdated performance standards
- New land uses and uses/terms that require better clarity/definition
You can visit this site for updates and there will be opportunities for you to provide comments and input by participating in Open Houses and Public Meetings.
We'll provide information about the project through a range of methods and channels:
- Website
- Email zoningbylawreview@oro-medonte.ca
To submit any comments or concerns, please complete the Zoning By-law Feedback Form.
Additional Information
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