Zoning Certificates / Building Permit
To ensure the Development Services Department is providing the most efficient customer service to the public, the following process has been implemented to ensure the required planning approvals are in place before submitting an Application for a Building Permit. Planning staff are the first contact for counter or phone inquiries, which ensures that projects can be reviewed for compliance with various planning documents prior to the submission of a “complete" building permit application. The purpose is to ensure that customer service is improved for contractors and residents in the Township, by providing them with guidance regarding the items they need to provide and meet with respect of the Township's Zoning By-law, and any other planning related regulations and policies before commencing the building permit process.
The preliminary Zoning Certificate review will confirm that the proposed construction meets the regulations of the Township's Zoning By-law or identify concerns with the proposed work. Planning staff will review the application to determine if the construction is exempt from the requirement of a Zoning Certificate or whether additional approvals are required from other department or agencies.
The following is the submission sequence:
Planning First/Zoning Certificate
- Submit your application through the Cloudpermit environment. Planning staff will review your submission for completion and compliance with the Zoning By-law. The Planning Division will also inform you of the requirements for approvals from applicable law authorities such as the Ministry of Transportation, County of Simcoe, or Conservation Authorities.
Complete Building Permit Submission
- Once your zoning certificate review is completed and all applicable law approvals have been obtained, a permit application can be submitted within the same Cloudpermit workspace.
Note: Only building permit applications with all required drawings, engineering and related approvals will be deemed complete. If there is missing information, the application will be refused. By submitting a complete application, it will allow for processing within Ministry timeframes.
For additional questions, contact Planning or Building Division staff.
Siteplan Example

Site Plan must display:
- All existing and proposed structure(s)
- Setbacks from property boundaries to current and/or proposed structure(s); shown in metres (shown in red)
- Dimensions of structures (shown in green)
- Septic system and well (specify if dug or drilled)
- Setbacks from: septic to well, and; septic to structures
- Direction of surface drainage (shown in blue)
- Driveway
- North Arrow
- Road
Sample of Height