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Development Charges

​​Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges

The municipal-wide Development Charges By-law was passed by Township of Oro​-Medonte Council on October 23, 2024.

​This information is a guideline only. Please contact the Township’s Finance Department prior to initiating any development project at 705-487-2171 to confirm applicable charges and to review the complete By-Law.

Effective January 1, 2025, Development Charges have been adjusted in accordance with Section 7.1 of By-law No. 2024-097 as reflected below:

“Urban Area” means where there is a Municipal watermain fronting the subject property and/or where there is a Municipal watermain extension through the development process (i.e. Municipal Drinking Water System Expansion). 

Please refer to Development Charges - Complete Package

Additional Residential Units

Information regarding Development Charges for Additional Residential Units (ARUs) can be found in the ARU Cheat Sheet attached below.

Please note, this document is to act as a guide only. By-law 2024-097 and O.Reg 454/19, as amended, should be consulted for complete and accurate information. Each application/proposal will be reviewed based on its individual merit to confirm if DCs are applicable. 

At this time a Planning Act application is required to allow Additional Residential Units (ARUs) on properties within the Township. Please contact the Township’s Planning Department for further information.

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