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Planning Information

The Planning Division is responsible for the overall planning and policy direction for land development in the Township, this includes Official Plan and Zoning By-law administration, review and process of development applications and administration and recommendation​s for the Development Services Committee.

Electronic Public Mee​​tings/Public Hearings FAQ for Applicants

  • The format for Public Meetings/Hearings will follow the process which is outlined and included on Township Development Service Committee meeting agendas. Following the Staff presentation component of the meeting, the Chair will give the owner’s representative an opportunity to introduce themselves, share a few words about the proposal, and be available to answer questions from Council or the public. Members of the public will be asked to submit their questions or comments in writing, but they also have the option to speak at the meeting. This form of electronic participation could result in no members of the public speaking in person at Public Meetings, or Public Hearings.
  • To reduce strain on technology and keep Public Meetings/Hearings streamlined, the Township requests that only one (1) representative of the owner/applicant participate per application as the spokesperson for the application.
  • Prior to the meeting, and subject to submission of a registration form request, Township staff will email the representative a link to connect to the Zoom virtual meeting. The representative will be asked to type in their name, address, phone number and matter they are speaking to. When it is the representative’s turn to speak, the Township’s IT staff will advance them as a ‘live’ ZOOM panelist to participate/speak to Council/Development Services Committee.

​Please note you will require a ZOOM account in order to participate. Please refer to the following tutorial for details:​

  • You will be asked to log in thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of Development Services Committee meetings to test this functionality.
  • ​If there is a problem with the video feed or the representative does not have the technology to appear on video, there is an option to attend via telephone only. Please submit a completed registration form and email it to, or call (705)-487-4020 by noon on  Monday prior to the scheduled meeting to receive further directions regarding this option. You will be provided with either an email containing a link to register prior to the meeting, or a call in number and the meeting ID.

Please note that depending on volume, telephone numbers may be visible to the public; however, every effort will be made to change the number prior to the participant being advanced to participate in the meeting as a panelist.

Once advanced to participate in the meeting as a panelist, the Chair will acknowledge your attendance, and provide an opportunity to introduce yourself.

Please note if you are participating by phone, *9 (star nine) on your telephone will give the raise hand option, indicating to the host when, or if, you wish to make an additional comment; and * 6 (star six) will allow you to mute your telephone.

If you wish to view the meeting on YouTube, please mute YouTube prior to being advanced to participate in the meeting as a panelist.

If you would like to speak to more than one item on the agenda, as indicated on your registration form, please advise the Chair, leave the meeting, and return when the relative item is introduced for discussion.

In preparation for virtual participation in Development Services Committee meetings, please complete the following steps:

  • No later than noon on Monday prior to the scheduled meeting, please email the assigned Township staff with the following information:
    • ​name of the owner representative;
    • email where ZOOM link should be sent;
    • phone number to reach the owner representative in the event of technical difficulties; and
    • presentation materials (e.g. power point)
  • ​Submissions received after this time may not be accommodated.
  • ​The Township’s protocol for electronic participation in meetings of Council, including participation in Public Planning meetings is available here - Public Participation | Township of Oro-Medonte  
  • ​Please note review and approval of your application will follow the usual process.
  • If you have questions regarding the process, or would like to discuss further, please contact the Planning staff member managing your file. ​

Short Term Rental Accommodations

General Background​

Similar to multiple communities throughout Ontario, some short-term rental accommodations (STRs) in Oro-Medonte are problematic from a nuisance/disruptive perspective.

STRs can be broadly described as dwelling units offered for rent via electronic platforms, which are rented out for the purpose of commercial gain and profit, for periods as short as one (1) day, but more typically for three (3) days, and usually no longer than a month. 

Currently, STRs are only permitted in certain zone categories. The Township’s Zoning By-law No. 97-95 permits STRs in Village Resort Commercial within the Village (V1) and Residential Two, Exception 123 (R2-123) Zones. Timeshares are considered a form of STR accommodation.

STRs are not permitted in residential zones throughout Oro-Medonte.

The following areas in the Township are currently zoned under Zoning By-law 97-95 to permit a timeshare or commercial unit allowing for short term accommodation:

  • ​Horseshoe Resort Condos
  • ​​The Carriage Hills Resort and Carriage Country Club

Bed and Breakfasts (B&B’s) are also considered a form of STR accommodation, and are only permitted in the Agriculture/Rural Zone (A/RU) or Private Recreation (PR) Zone under the Zoning By-law. B&B’s are only permitted elsewhere by exception approved through a Zoning amendment.

It is not uncommon for Township Council and staff to receive complaints and concerns from Oro-Medonte residents regarding the use of STRs under the Township’s Zoning By-law 97-95.

The Township’s Municipal Law division follows a complaint based approach to monitor, manage, and enforce Zoning By-law 97-95 pertaining to STRs which are considered and identified as problematic.

Fully appreciating and understanding concerns expressed by Oro-Medonte residents regarding problematic STRs, on October 16, 2024, Council held an education session by way of a Special Meeting of Council regarding enforcement challenges pertaining to STRs in the township. The session included presentations and interactive discussion with two experienced professionals:

  • Paul Dray, a prosecutor with more than 35 years of experience in prosecuting Provincial offense matters before the Courts on behalf of municipalities, spoke regarding his experiences with STR prosecutions.
  • Gerald Spencer, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement, City of Niagara Falls, spoke regarding challenges the City of Niagara Falls experienced using its Zoning By-law as a STR enforcement tool, and steps the City took to enforce STRs in their community.

For a prosecution of an STR under the Township’s Zoning By-law to be successful in Provincial Offences Court, evidence is required that proves beyond a reasonable doubt, that a STR was in operation.  This evidence is challenging to gather. The type of evidence required, and the evidence that is not permitted to be submitted in court is outlined in the September 11, 2024, staff report to Council noted below, and by Mr. Dray in his presentation to Council, and his responses to questions posed.

To view the education session please see Special Council Meeting - Oct 16, 2024.

To further address challenges associated with problematic STRs, Council will be considering an options report prepared by Township staff in early 2025.

Additional Information

You are encouraged to review the following reports and background information:

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