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Current Public Notices

Public Notices

The Township of Oro-Medonte has initiated an environmental assessment following Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process to establish the preferred method to address drainage deficiencies, reduce flooding, resolve public safety concerns, and improve the maintenance related to the existing drainage outlet located at 245 Shoreline Drive.

Purpose: On Wednesday, September 11, 2024 the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte will hold a public meeting, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended, to present and obtain public input on the municipality’s proposed Development Charges (D.C.) By-law and underlying background study.

Purpose: The applicants are proposing to build an addition to their existing detached accessory building (garage).

Purpose: The applicants are proposing to convert the second storey of the attached garage into an apartment dwelling unit.

Purpose: The purpose of Consent Application 2024-B-14 is for the creation of a new lot through the severance of a dwelling described as surplus to a consolidated farming operation.

Purpose: The purpose of Consent Application 2024-B-13 is for the creation of a new lot through the severance of a dwelling described as surplus to a consolidated farming operation.

Purpose: The purpose and effect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment is to re-designate a portion of the subject property to a site-specific exception under Section 2.5 (Agricultural) of the Township’s Official Plan, to recognize the part of the business which has extended beyond the original boundaries of the business, as well as the proposed area for expansion.

The purpose of the application for Zoning By-Law Amendment is to consider a proposal to amend Zoning By-law No. 97-95, as amended, by rezoning a portion of the subject property from the “Agricultural/Rural (A/RU)” Zone to the “Rural Industrial (IR)” Zone to permit the expansion of the existing contractors yard use.

Purpose: Notice is hereby given by the Township of Oro-Medonte of its’ intent to contract with Landmark Municipal Services, Western Mechanical and AECOM Canada Ltd. for the rehabilitation of the Horseshoe Highlands Elevated Tower.

Purpose: The applicants have demolished the existing dwelling and are proposing to build a new single detached dwelling. The applicants are seeking relief to multiple sections of Zoning By-law 97-95.

Purpose: The applicants are proposing to convert an existing 80.2 square metre (864.0 square feet) attached three bay garage into a secondary suite. The applicants are seeking relief to section 5.4 c) of Zoning By-law 97-95.

Purpose: The applicants are requesting consent to sever lands for the purpose of the creation of a new residential lot.

Purpose: The applicant is requesting consent to sever and merge lands for the purpose of a boundary adjustment.

Purpose: The applicant is requesting consent to sever lands for the purpose of the creation of a new residential lot.

Purpose: The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to further amend the zoning for the subject property from the Shoreline Residential (SR) Zone to the Shoreline Residential Exception (SR*###) Zone to permit a two storey detached accessory building/garage intended to be utilized for storage. The detached garage is proposed to exceed the maximum size provisions of Zoning By-law 97-95 with respect to height and gross floor area.

Purpose: The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the applicant’s lands from Agricultural/Rural (A/RU) to an Agricultural/Rural Exception (A/RU*#) Zone to permit a new 233.2 square metre (2,510.0 square foot) accessory building with a height of 6.5 metres (21.5 feet) that contains a 165.4 square metre (1,780.0 square foot) second floor apartment unit along with a 48.8 square metre (525.0 square foot) main level garage.

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